Are You Following California’s New Driving Laws?
February 16, 2018
- Categories: Vehicle Accidents

2018 is well under way, and with the new year come new driving laws that California drivers should be aware of. The California Department of Motor Vehicles has issued the following list of new laws that went into effect on Jan. 1, 2018. Make sure you become familiar with them before you get behind the wheel this year in the Golden State.
Cannabis Use in Vehicles (SB 65)
This law states that drivers and passengers may not smoke or consume marijuana productswhile driving or riding in a motor vehicle. In the unfortunate event of a motorcycle accident, it’s important to consult a skilled motorcycle accident lawyer. The California DMV will put negligent driver points on your license if you violate this law. The DMV is also going to update the DMV website, Motorcycle Handbook and California Driver Handbook about this new law.
Seatbelts in Buses (SB 20)
Starting in 2018, this law mandates bus passengers to use seatbelts in buses that have them. The law also forbids legal guardians, parents and anyone operating a bus from driving a child who is at least eight years old or less than 16 years old, or allowing them to be driven in a bus, unless the child is wearing a seatbelt. In case of any legal concerns related to these regulations, it’s advisable to consult a vehicle accident lawyer. You could receive a ticket for violating this law. You could receive a ticket for violating this law.
DUI – Passenger for Hire (AB 2687)
Staring July 1, 2018, anyone who is compensated to drive passengers in their personal vehicles – Uber and Lyft drivers – may not have a blood alcohol level of .04% or more when with a passenger. This means drivers transporting passengers in their personal vehicles must maintain elevated safety standards when driving passengers. Your license will be suspended by DMV if you violate this law. Commercial drivers, such as taxi operators, will be disqualified from driving if they violate AB 2687.
The southern California personal injury attorneys at Neale & Fhima have been representing people injured in car accidents for almost 40 years. We have collected more than $50 million on behalf of injured drivers and passengers. If you have been injured in a car accident caused by another driver’s negligence, it’s crucial to seek help from an experienced car accident lawyer to protect your rights and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. please call us today at 949-661-1007.
Parking Violations for Registration or Driver License Renewal (AB 503)
This new California law is designed to benefit people with low incomes by devising a process for them to pay fines for parking violations before the violations are reported to DMV. The law further allows the vehicle’s registered owner to file Planned Non-Operation status when there are unpaid parking violations on the record of the vehicle.
Disabled Person Parking Placards and Plates (SB 611)
This law changes how handicapped parking placards and license plates are administered. It includes requiring applicants to give proof of their birthdate and full name. The law also will limit the number of replacement placards you can receive without getting a medical certification from your physician – four in two years. Further, DMV will set up a renewal process that requires drivers to send in a renewal notice by mail every six years.
Hurt in a Car Accident? Contact Neale & Fhima Personal Injury Attorneys
Being injured in a car accident is a stressful experience. Whether you are the victim of a hit and run, rear-end crash, parking lot accident, side-impact crash or failure-to-yield accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. If you’ve been in a side-impact car accident and need legal assistance, consider contacting a side-impact car accident lawyer to help you navigate your legal rights and options. You could be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages and more. For a complimentary consultation about your case, please contact us at Neale & Fhima by calling 949-661-1007.