It’s Still a Problem – Distracted Driving Kills California Motorists

It's Still a Problem - Nearly 22,000 Involved in Distracted Driving Crashes Last Year

Despite laws banning the use of handheld mobile devices while driving in California, innocent motorists continue to die on California roadways because of distracted drivers who text, talk, or surf the web when behind the wheel.

Data shows that 140 people were killed in 2021 in crashes in California involving a distracted driver, an increase of 27.3% over 2020, according to the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS).  Mobile devices like cell phones remain the biggest distraction for drivers who are texting, scrolling, taking pictures, emailing, or using apps.  Police officers statewide issued 57,446 traffic citations for cell phone violations by motorists from Oct. 1, 2021 through Sept. 30, 2022, according the California Highway Patrol (CHiP).

Sending or reading a text takes a driver’s eyes off the road for 5 seconds, according to research. At 55 mph, that’s like driving the length of an NFL football field with your eyes closed.  Motorists must give driving their full attention, or they are putting themselves and passengers in danger. Any non-driving activity a driver engages in increases the risk of crashing.  Eating or drinking, adjusting entertainment and navigation systems, talking to other passengers, or grooming when behind the wheel are also considered distracted driving.

A 2023 OTS Public Opinion Survey found that 74.2% percent of all Californians identified distracted driving (texting or talking) as their biggest traffic safety concern on California roadways. That means motorists are frightened by the carelessness and negligence of other drivers who can’t put down their phones while in the car.

The top 5 California counties for distracted driving deaths are:

  1. San Diego
  2. Kern
  3. Fresno
  4. Orange
  5. Los Angeles

The top 5 counties for serious injuries caused by distracted driving are:

  1. Los Angeles
  2. San Diego
  3. Orange
  4. San Bernardino
  5. Sacramento

The most common locations for fatal distracted driving crashes in California are urban areas (64%) and rural roads (36%).  More than 18% of fatal distracted driving collisions in the state occur between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m., and the peak period for deadly distracted driving accidents is on Thursdays between 6 p.m. and midnight.

Nationwide, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that 3,308 people died in distracted driving collisions in 2022. This is a decrease of about 6% from the 3,521 distracted driving fatalities in 2021, but the problem is still a serious one. The percentage of drivers manipulating hand-held electronic devices has increased 82% in 10 years, from 1.7% in 2013 to 3.1% in 2022, according to the National Safety Council.

Hands-Free Does Not Mean Danger Free

Using hands-free mobile devices while driving is legal in California for most adults, but this doesn’t eliminate driver distraction entirely.  While many drivers believe that hands-free mobile devices (phones integrated into a vehicle’s audio system) are much safer than handheld devices, the data does not necessarily bear that out.  Even using hands-free devices causes slower cognition, delayed response times, and “environmental blindness,” meaning drivers talking on hands-free devices lose awareness of their immediate surroundings and potential hazards on the road.

Distracted Driving Safety Tips

Every April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and safety advocates around the state have been focusing resources on educating drivers about the dangers of distracted driving. For example, the Santa Monica Police Department recently joined law enforcement agencies across California to increase enforcement and awareness of distracted driving. Officers in April had a special focus on strictly enforcing the state’s cell phone and distracted driving laws. The goal was to boost voluntary compliance, but citations were handed out so drivers would be reminded to stay completely focused on driving.

California law enforcement wants to remind drivers of the following tips:

  • If you get a text message or need to send one while driving, you need to pull over to a safe location, but you should never pull over on a freeway for anything other than an emergency. Once you are safely away from traffic, then you can text.
  • Make a passenger the designated texter. He or she can access your phone and communicate for you while you are driving.
  • Do not message or scroll on your phone while you are behind the wheel, even when at a stop sign or traffic light.
  • Using a cell phone regularly can be addictive. Some people find it is better to put the cell phone on the back seat, in the glove compartment, or even in the trunk while driving.

Distracted Driving Accidents and Financial Compensation

If you or a loved one has been injured in a traffic collision in which you suspect the other driver was texting or otherwise distracted, you may be entitled to financial compensation.  A distracted driving crash lawyer at Neale & Fhima can assess your case and explain your legal options. Through a personal injury lawsuit, you could recoup the cost of medical bills, lost wages, and property damage, as well as receive compensation for pain and suffering, PTSD, and other emotional distress.  Consulting with a vehicle accident lawyer can provide insight into the specifics of your case.

Have You Been Harmed by a Distracted Driver in Southern California?

If you were injured in a car accident because of a distracted driver’s negligence, Neale & Fhima will fight aggressively to enforce your legal rights.  You don’t have to suffer alone.  Our skilled, compassionate, and caring staff will walk beside you every step of the way.

Here are a few of the reasons to consider Neale & Fhima when choosing your lawyer:

  • Years of Experience. Our attorneys have more than 40 years of combined experience representing clients throughout Southern California.
  • Our Lawyers Win Cases. Neale & Fhima has a 99% success rate in personal injury claims.
  • We Know the Law. California law is intricate at best, and deeply confusing at worst.  We’ll help you avoid legal pitfalls and guide you in building a powerful legal case.
  • No Surprises. We tell you up front what you can expect from the legal process, what your case might be worth, and what the strengths and weaknesses of your claim may be.
  • We Value Client Relationships. High-volume law offices tend to think of clients as nothing more than a number on a case file.  We’re different. We enjoy getting to know our clients and their families.

At Neale & Fhima, our experienced car accident attorneys have an impressive record of recovering more than $50 million in rightful compensation for personal injury victims throughout Southern California.  Call us for a free consultation about your case at 888-407-2955.

Attorney Aaron Fhima

Aaron Fhima, California attorneyAaron Fhima is a trial attorney who has secured numerous settlements and verdicts against large corporations and some of the largest auto manufacturers in the world. Representing consumers and injury victims throughout the state of California, Aaron’s practice areas include personal injury, and lemon law litigation. Aaron has a long record of success taking on large defense firms; and he doesn’t hesitate to take cases to trial when necessary to enforce his clients’ rights. [ Attorney Bio ]

