What is the average lemon law settlement in California?
March 25, 2020
- Categories: Lemon Law

We’re often very excited when we buy a new car and have dreams of all the places we’ll go – a day at the beach, a weekend of skiing, or a family getaway. That’s why it’s so frustrating if you discover that your new vehicle does not work as it should or has a chronic defect. If you find yourself in such a situation, it may be wise to consult a vehicle defect lawyer to understand your options and protect your rights.
Luckily, California has a very consumer friendly Lemon Law – The Song-Beverly Act – that provides you with a legal remedy if you can prove your car is a lemon. Under state law, the manufacturer must repurchase, replace, fix or negotiate a cash settlement for the vehicle at no cost to you. But you will likely need a skilled and experienced lemon law attorney to help you file a persuasive claim. The California lemon law attorneys at Neale & Fhima have decades of experience helping clients with these claims. We have a 99% success rate with lemon law cases!
If you are stuck with a lemon and need help getting justice, contact a California lemon law attorney at Neale & Fhima at 888-407-2955.
What is the average lemon law settlement in California?
There really is no “average” lemon law settlement amount. Just as the outcomes can vary when working with an accident claim lawyers on different cases, lemon law settlements in California can change widely depending on the make and model of the car and its age, mileage, and purchase price. Generally, the newer the vehicle and the more expensive the original price tag, the higher the settlement amount will be. However, this is just a general rule of thumb and is not something you can count on.
Something that generally is true is that consumers with lawyers tend to do better in lemon law settlements. That’s because an experienced lemon law attorney knows how to build a solid case and knows what to ask for. Our California lemon law attorneys are not afraid to be tough and negotiate aggressively with vehicle manufacturers get the highest possible settlement amount for each of our clients. We always go toe-to-toe in every legal encounter and do not rest until we achieve success.
Lemon Law settlement offer California
A skilled lawyer can secure a lemon law settlement offer California for you. But you will need to gather some paperwork, and you will have to prove that you’ve made a “reasonable number of attempts” to get the vehicle fixed before filing a legal claim. So, save all of your work orders and repair receipts from your trips to the garage or service department at the dealership. The law does not stipulate exactly how many repair attempts equals a “reasonable number,” but a skilled lemon law attorney can help you establish this. If you have questions about whether your vehicle qualifies as a lemon, call us at 888-407-2955.
A “lemon” is a car, SUV, truck or other vehicle that has does not really worked right. Whether it’s because of slow acceleration, engine problems or a myriad of other mechanical or electrical problems, a vehicle like this does not function correctly despite taking the it to the dealer for repairs. If such malfunctions lead to an accident, especially involving a pedestrian, it might be time to consult a pedestrian accident lawyer. To determine whether you have a Lemon Law claim, check to see whether your vehicle is still under the original manufacturer’s warranty. If it is, you probably have a claim. If you own a used vehicle, then you will need one of three specific warranties to have a Lemon Law claim. These warranties include 1) an original new-car warranty from the manufacturer, 2) a certified pre-owned (CPO) warranty from the dealership, or 3) a lemon law buyback warranty. Find out more in: Do You Have a Lemon?
The lemon law claims process is quite specific, so you’ll need to get all your ducks in a row. The process starts by sending a demand letter to your vehicle’s manufacturer. One of our lemon law attorneys can do this on your behalf. Our attorneys expect resistance, but we are undeterred and aggressively negotiate on your behalf. We are committed to working hard to achieve the best possible settlement amount for you. At Neale & Fhima, we pride ourselves on creating legal strategies that give our clients the best possible opportunities for success.
Contact a lemon law attorney in California today!
If you’re fed up and tired of driving around in a lemon, then let us help. The skilled and experienced lemon law attorneys at Neale & Fhima have helped hundreds of clients just like you. We can quickly build a strong legal claim on your behalf and negotiate aggressively to get you the settlement you deserve. Don’t delay, though. The statute of limitations on lemon law claims in California has a 4-year absolute deadline. Act today! Call us at 888-407-2955.